Best place to stay in Pattaya

If you are looking for best place to stay in Pattaya or If you don’t have a place to say and are looking for one, it must be here.

Nine blue resident South Pattaya, Soi Ko Phai 6/1 Welcome. (Click to check on Map)
💸 Budget friendly price, clean, quiet, privacy, wide parking, good atmosphere, has a swimming pool to play all day long💜

Best place to stay in Pattaya

Hotel Facilities

Best place to stay in Pattaya

📺 TV, air conditioner in every room
☕Tea, coffee, drinking water
🔌Hair dryer
🚿 Water heater
🚪Small refrigerator
If you are interested in a room, please inbox me. Is there an admin waiting to provide service?
Call: 061-394-7222

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